The Shareholder Yield is a way that investors can see how much money shareholders are receiving from a company through a combination of dividends, share repurchases and debt reduction. The Shareholder Yield of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is -0.122382. This percentage is calculated by adding the dividend yield plus the percentage of shares repurchased. Dividends are a common way that companies distribute cash to their shareholders. Similarly, cash repurchases and a reduction of debt can increase the shareholder value, too. Another way to determine the effectiveness of a company’s distributions is by looking at the Shareholder yield (Mebane Faber). The Shareholder Yield (Mebane Faber) of Tesla, Inc. NasdaqGS:TSLA is -0.13735. This number is calculated by looking at the sum of the dividend yield plus percentage of sales repurchased and net debt repaid yield.
Traders are often looking for any little advantage that they can get when attempting to grab profits in the stock market. Traders might be closely watching insider buying and selling as well as what the successful fund managers are doing. Following the smart money can help investors get a grasp on the bigger picture of what is going on with certain equities. There is no shortage of information that the individual trader can get their hands on. Figuring out how to best put that information to work is an important part of any trading plan. With so much data to track, traders may need to decide which information they will use when making the big investing decisions. Pinpointing the next great trade could be just around the corner, but it may take some hard work and enhanced focus.
Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) has a Price to Book ratio of 11.256264. This ratio is calculated by dividing the current share price by the book value per share. Investors may use Price to Book to display how the market portrays the value of a stock. Checking in on some other ratios, the company has a Price to Cash Flow ratio of -52.057382, and a current Price to Earnings ratio of -37.682362. The P/E ratio is one of the most common ratios used for figuring out whether a company is overvalued or undervalued.
Free Cash Flow Growth (FCF Growth) is the free cash flow of the current year minus the free cash flow from the previous year, divided by last year’s free cash flow. The FCF Growth of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is -0.693293. Free cash flow (FCF) is the cash produced by the company minus capital expenditure. This cash is what a company uses to meet its financial obligations, such as making payments on debt or to pay out dividends. The Free Cash Flow Score (FCF Score) is a helpful tool in calculating the free cash flow growth with free cash flow stability – this gives investors the overall quality of the free cash flow. The FCF Score of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 0.348569. Experts say the higher the value, the better, as it means that the free cash flow is high, or the variability of free cash flow is low or both.
The Price Index is a ratio that indicates the return of a share price over a past period. The price index of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) for last month was 0.96842. This is calculated by taking the current share price and dividing by the share price one month ago. If the ratio is greater than 1, then that means there has been an increase in price over the month. If the ratio is less than 1, then we can determine that there has been a decrease in price. Similarly, investors look up the share price over 12 month periods. The Price Index 12m for Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 1.60463. Some of the best financial predictions are formed by using a variety of financial tools. The Price Range 52 Weeks is one of the tools that investors use to determine the lowest and highest price at which a stock has traded in the previous 52 weeks. The Price Range of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) over the past 52 weeks is 0.820000. The 52-week range can be found in the stock’s quote summary.
The Gross Margin Score is calculated by looking at the Gross Margin and the overall stability of the company over the course of 8 years. The score is a number between one and one hundred (1 being best and 100 being the worst). The Gross Margin Score of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 27.00000. The more stable the company, the lower the score. If a company is less stable over the course of time, they will have a higher score.
Ever wonder how investors predict positive share price momentum? The Cross SMA 50/200, also known as the “Golden Cross” is the fifty day moving average divided by the two hundred day moving average. The SMA 50/200 for Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is currently 1.02548. If the Golden Cross is greater than 1, then the 50 day moving average is above the 200 day moving average – indicating a positive share price momentum. If the Golden Cross is less than 1, then the 50 day moving average is below the 200 day moving average, indicating that the price might drop.
The Piotroski F-Score is a scoring system between 1-9 that determines a firm’s financial strength. The score helps determine if a company’s stock is valuable or not. The Piotroski F-Score of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 3. A score of nine indicates a high value stock, while a score of one indicates a low value stock. The score is calculated by the return on assets (ROA), Cash flow return on assets (CFROA), change in return of assets, and quality of earnings. It is also calculated by a change in gearing or leverage, liquidity, and change in shares in issue. The score is also determined by change in gross margin and change in asset turnover.
The ERP5 Rank is an investment tool that analysts use to discover undervalued companies. The ERP5 looks at the Price to Book ratio, Earnings Yield, ROIC and 5 year average ROIC. The ERP5 of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 14744. The lower the ERP5 rank, the more undervalued a company is thought to be. The MF Rank (aka the Magic Formula) is a formula that pinpoints a valuable company trading at a good price. The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. The MF Rank of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 12573. A company with a low rank is considered a good company to invest in. The Magic Formula was introduced in a book written by Joel Greenblatt, entitled, “The Little Book that Beats the Market”.
The Q.i. Value of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 66.00000. The Q.i. Value is a helpful tool in determining if a company is undervalued or not. The Q.i. Value is calculated using the following ratios: EBITDA Yield, Earnings Yield, FCF Yield, and Liquidity. The lower the Q.i. value, the more undervalued the company is thought to be.
The Value Composite One (VC1) is a method that investors use to determine a company’s value. The VC1 of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 80. A company with a value of 0 is thought to be an undervalued company, while a company with a value of 100 is considered an overvalued company. The VC1 is calculated using the price to book value, price to sales, EBITDA to EV, price to cash flow, and price to earnings. Similarly, the Value Composite Two (VC2) is calculated with the same ratios, but adds the Shareholder Yield. The Value Composite Two of Tesla, Inc. (NasdaqGS:TSLA) is 83.
Read Again Berita Ini
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